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Relationship counselling services

Personal to you

Just as everyone is individual and unique, so is each relationship. Perhaps you and your partner have been together for decades, or maybe you’re just in the early stages of your relationship. Any relationship can need outside guidance and advice at some point along the road. It might be that one of you is going through a particularly difficult period, which is affecting your relationship. Or maybe you feel that you have grown apart after many years together, and want help rekindling your love. An experienced marriage and relationship counsellor can help you navigate through any challenges that you’re facing. Find a professional counsellor who can offer the support and guidance that you need.

Family counselling

Often, difficulties in one relationship can spill over into others. It's not unusual for issues between a couple to affect the relationships with their family. It might be that you're going through a divorce or separation. Or maybe you're going through a difficult time as a family, such as in times of grief. You and your partner could be experiencing a breakdown in your relationship, which is affecting your children and loved ones. Marriage and family counselling can help you to navigate through these challenging periods. A professional relationship therapist can assist every family member in talking about and reflecting upon how they're feeling, helping everyone move towards a positive end result.

Trusted professionals

When you’re looking to improve or rescue the relationships that mean the most to you, you’ll want to receive advice from the best. Talking to a relationship or marriage counsellor allows both parties to voice their feelings and any concerns that they have in a safe and neutral space. They will provide an outsider perspective on the problems that you’re experiencing, helping you to move forward and agree on practical solutions. Whatever your reason for seeking relationship guidance, your therapist will be able to provide you with expert advice.
Hemingway Therapy, Relationship & Marriage Counselling profile image

Hemingway Therapy, Relationship & Marriage Counselling

Professional, empathetic counselling services from a team of qualified, trained therapists. Hemingway Therapy provide expert counselling for couples from all walks of life, helping them to work through issues and come to practical solutions.

Hear from
a professional

How often do your clients have therapy sessions?

It depends entirely on the client and the type of therapy session that they want. For example, it’s normal to have telephone or online counselling sessions more frequently, say once a week. Whereas face-to-face counselling sessions might be less often, maybe every two weeks or once a month. If they wish, clients can use a mixture of counselling session types. This is a good way to get the benefits of each type if they cannot fit in a weekly face-to-face session. Normally, a weekly session is recommended at first. But the sessions can become less frequent as the couples work through their problems.

How many sessions are recommended?

Again, it’s different for each relationship. Some people only need a few sessions to resolve their issues. Whereas for some couples who may be married and have a family together, it could take longer. This is because there are other people to consider. Each talking point may have different implications for their family, so can take longer to work through. Normally, I'll complete six sessions with my clients before doing a review. This is when we'll discuss whether they feel the need to continue with the sessions or not.

Do both parties need to be in the session each time?

It’s not essential that both parties are present at every session. If each person has their own issues which are affecting their relationship, then individual sessions can be really useful. But for the most part, it's best if both parties attend every time, as it's the best way for them to work through their issues together. Coming to the sessions together often encourages people to listen to each other in a calm and proactive way. This can have a really positive impact on their everyday interactions with each other.

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The average price of Relationship and Marriage Counselors is $90 per hour

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based on 73,990 reviews

Brian and Erica have been total game-changers for us! They zoom in on what's really going on, and give us advice that we can actually use every day. Our sessions felt like they were made just for us, and that's been huge for growing stronger as a couple. They gave us clear, manageable steps that made a difference in our relationship immediately. They've helped us through some tough times, and showed us how to keep our bond strong. We're so happy that we found BE Connected!!!

01 Apr 2024

Working with BE Connected was eye-opening for us. Brian and Erica just get it; they cut right to the core of what was going on in our relationship. Every session felt like we were diving deep into what makes us "us." They didn't throw out cookie-cutter advice. Instead, they really tuned into our relationship, giving us insights and feedback that hit home every time. Their "homework" was actually cool, too—it got us thinking and acting differently, in ways that brought us closer. They also have this great way of mixing deep stuff with a lighter touch, making every meeting something we’d actually look forward to. Honestly, Brian and Erica helped us grow together and individually in ways we couldn't have imagined. They’re more than just coaches- They really showed us how to love better and connect more deeply. We’re so grateful for everything they’ve done for us!

01 Apr 2024

Jo Anne is an amazing therapist, shes very flexible and has been amazing in helping solve every issue that's presented to her. She's very patient and keep and and everything you would want from a therapist

27 Mar 2024

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